Chicago Hotel Room 5/09

View from my hotel window of the building across the street- Chicago

Camping with Baby David 5-09

Snow on April 25. Grrrrr

Some redneck hauling a tree around the neighborhood

Closing of the Manhattan Virgin Megastore. I have purchased many many things here over the years, including Midge Ure's Move Me, The Velvet Underground's White Light, White Heat and the reissue of The Joshua Tree

Times Square at 11pm on a Saturday- Recession style. Where are all the people???

Sand Mountain 3-2009

Off the backside. I need to get over there and get in some riding, it looks far too virginal to be left undisturbed.

My trendy hair. FauxHawk 2009

High above the arena floor in Las Vegas. MGM Grand Garden.

My MGM show- blurry goodness

Kung Fu Hamster, as seen on TV
That's it for now. Questions? Comments?