The old system- corrupt, bloated and inefficient- needs to be put away. New ideas, reorganization and fresh thinking must be the future.

We get a chance to live it.
And I'm really excited about that. "...We get to carry each other..."
I am shocked at the reaction so many self-proclaimed Christians have had to this. It's like they feel that charity is only charity if it's their idea.
Well I'm of the opinion that making it a more mandatory (or universal) system makes it more fair. Everyone pays into it via taxes. People that can afford it will also pay into the insurance plans. Less fortunate people will have the same chances of decent medical care as the wealthy.
And that's the way it should be.
I hope to see the time that the poor, the minorities, the HIV positive, the cancer survivors, the women who have difficulty with fertility, the diabetics and the lepers will no longer be denied service. That time is close at hand.
"...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me...."
It's not OK for us to bankrupt Jesus and let him die in pain.