By request, I am going to pontificate on this for a while.
I think that most people are under the impression that Charles Darwin coined the phrase, but in fact he didn't. Darwin's phrase was 'Natural Selection.'
The 'Survival of the Fittest' was first uttered by British philosopher Herbert Spencer. Also contrary to popular opinion, he didn't intend it to refer to physical fitness at all.
I find this confusion a good representation of the near perpetual state of cluelessness I witness in many people. Wake up! Do a bit of research and enlighten yourself.
Stop going through life charging ahead as if you know all the answers. Slow down, back up, watch and learn for a few seconds. You'll likely notice that things aren't at all how you imagine them.
A paragraph applying the survival of the fittest to my life, as I'm only qualified to comment on my world, not on that of anyone else.Now I'm not the fittest at anything, but I somehow survive. Why? As far as I can tell, I'm not particularly good at anything. Jack of all Trades, Master of None
(as long as we are talking in huge cliches)I can't run for crap, I am not nearly as strong as you might think. My strongest quality isn't my stubbornness, it's my skepticism.
So here I rumble through life, with all the grace of a charging water buffalo in Ikea. Always getting to my objective, but with a huge amount of collateral damage.
The only way I get what I want or need is by being crafty, by out thinking my opponents, running mental circles around a poorly armed adversary seems to be my forte.
So many people have settled for a life so mediocre that they aren't willing to advance themselves beyond their disastrous decisions and actually survive, therefore they don't.
And ultimately nobody survives. We're all worm food eventually. After a few minutes our legacy dims and the survivors move on.... as we fade behind the dustcloud of a never-ending forward motion.