Saturday, July 23, 2011

Banana Bread

I am glad people like it.
I am glad it makes you all so happy.
I am glad that it is so delicious.
I am glad to let you all have as much as you want, because I will not have to eat it.
I am glad to announce that if I were ever stuck on a desert island, the last thing I would consume to maintain this mortal coil would be banana bread. I would choose to be castrated by a shark and killed by pirates before eating any of that sticky-skinned loaf of sweet slime.

Enjoy your snack.


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I'm still alive


Havent been killed by pirates yet, although one tried to sneak up on me at breakfast this morning.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Losing It

I keep checking in here to see if I have written anything new.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Year half over. Yes!

hope everyone is good.