Normally I get some kind of bug up my crack that inspires me to rant on and on, swearing at and disrespecting the person(s) that annoyed me or did/said/thought something I find abrasive.
Today I have none of that. But I felt inspired to stand before you and expectorate my rambling opinions on some crazy stuff.
Did you ever notice that dogs think they like every type of food, until they get it, then they become finicky. You can let the dog smell a pickle and they act like they want it. So you give it to them and bleeech- out it comes.
Kids are sometimes the same.
Last week I was traveling and our local labor needed some cash to pay for their parking. So I gave them my cash. Didn't realize that it was my last cash- my food money. I survived the week on the goodwill of others and some dumpster diving... and the available balances on 3 different empty/maxed out debit/credit cards. Thank goodness for client food and cheap breakfast at Carl's Jr. Vintage picture to follow.

Yes, that Carl's Jr. The one right next to the parking lot formerly known as The Century Lounge aka 'Nude Nudes' RIP Century Lounge.
Scandalous enough yet? Shall I keep going?
I'm shooting blanks here. Without something to kick against, I'm feeling like a cap gun. Which I do most of the time anyway. I should be president of the Shootin' Blanks Society, for those who try their hardest but can't put out something more than a final product which is a sad imitation of the real thing.

What else???
Facebook is sucking lately. Sucking up all my free time. I seem to have an unhealthy compulsion to constantly post pointless things to this quasi-public forum.
Most of what I say is nonsensical. Please don't be offended if you read something I write there that seems offensive. Please consider the state of my deteriorating mind.

Time to get ready for work, which causes me apprehension. Dreaming of a desert island surrounded by pygmy tigers and effing green pigs.

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