I need to stop eating Reese's Pieces.
I've always been a mild consumer of Reese's Pieces, dating back to my adolescence. We used to ingest Reeses Piece's during church meetings, on Friday evenings, on special occasions.
I remember a few occasions that we snarfed huge quantities of Reeses Piece's during lunch, which left us completely unable to attend our Seminary classes following lunch.
I remember an occasion where a couple of my friends expressed concern about my intake of Reese's Pieces and threatened to stage an intervention.
Lately, I've increased my intake rate of Reeses Piece's. For some reason, everywhere I go I have been seeing Reese's Pieces and people are offering me Reese's Pieces and I seem to go places where people love to eat Reese's Pieces.
I spent a fair amount of 2010 under the influence of Reese's Pieces, sometimes gobbling them at lunchtime, after work, with dinner and during after-dinner recreation.
Reese's Pieces contributed in a large way to me gaining 15 pounds last year. And with this weight gain, I find myself being much more sedentary. I'm turning into a sloth and I blame Reese's Pieces.
On some occasions Reese's Pieces have brought me to the bring of death.
I figure I have spent nearly $15,000 on Reese's Pieces in the last 12 months.
In the last few days, I've found myself thinking about Reese's Pieces from the moment I wake up until the late night just as I drift off to sleep. Somehow I think this obsession is somewhat unhealthy.
So I'm going to have to stop eating them. In fact, I'm already a week into my quitting.
It is going to require a reassessment of my social circles. It's going to cost me some friends. I hope it doesn't make me an unpleasant person.
Reese's Pieces have messed me up in a way that I didn't think possible.
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