I'm not the biggest fan of the Beach Boys, but I certainly do respect their history and the dramatic elements of their history. I am particularly drawn to the Brian Wilson part of the story.

This is a guy who is a certifiable genius, whose drive to produce his music was so strong that it destroyed his psyche. His natural abilities surpass those of virtually all his contemporaries- a person who entered the world in a dysfunctional, abusive world- he had no choice but to purge the voices, the songs, the words and the emotions from his soul- it's the only chance he had. In this, he was able to create a couple of the best albums ever made: Most notably Pet Sounds, but also an album called SMiLE- unfinished and unreleased for over 37 years.

The personal cost of making SMiLE, as well as the perceived competition with The Beatles to make better, more groundbreaking music, it caused Brian a lot of stress.
Unfortunately, he was far too trusting of people who were looking to profit and gain from his talents. From his father to his drug dealers to his therapist, these people sucked the life out of him. The pressure of creating music- providing a living for dozens of people- this nearly killed him.

While he did survive, it was in a bruised condition. Life has been hard on Mr. Wilson, and he is very delicate.
For these reasons and more, I figured I'd never see Brian perform live. I've seen the other Beach Boys perform a number of times... They do a good job and are plenty talented on their own, but as far as I can tell, the talent of Brian Wilson gives a good group the material and momentum to be a great group. His legacy is the reason we even talk about them these days.
In May, my good friend John Cole called me and asked if I'd be willing to do lighting and staging systems for a Brian Wilson concert in Park City, UT.
Well, that nearly dropped me to the floor- "Of Course" I said. I think I even offered to do it for free.
You see, I have checklists. Brian Wilson has a special place on the 'Never Gonna Happen' list. And to fill in a line on the 'I did this at work today' list. Wow. What an honor.
One thing- John said that due to Mr. Wilson's health (mental and physical) issues, there's always a chance that he wouldn't perform. Sometimes he panics and can't leave the house, sometimes he can't get on a plane. Sometimes he won't leave his hotel room, and sometimes he won't walk onto the stage.
Getting closer to the event, I start becoming nervous. Really? Yes. Schoolgirl, Prom Night, total goobery nervous.
A couple days before the show, we start loading up, I am expecting a cancellation at anytime.
Truck loaded- Leaving now.
The equipment setup is almost identical to the setup last year, when we provided the same elements for The Temptations.
We setup the stuff, get it all working and pack up for the day. We can finish the rest tomorrow.

I haven't heard anything from the band regarding a lighting designer...
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