Monday, January 26, 2009

5- Misc and Conclusion

This should be the last post on these matters, and then I'll be getting back to my regular posts complaining about travel, politics and celebrating pop culture. First I have a few more items I'd like to mention in a cleaning-up sort of way...

I've been asked: "How can you live a moral life without the church?" The answer is in the question. Really, how weak would I have to be that without LDSinc being involved in my every decision I would fall into a life of debauchery and hedonism?
I understand that many people feel like they don't have any kind of support without the crutch errrrr.... church to lean on, but really- I think it's possible and even likely that a person who consciously chooses to leave the church can live a moral, honest, decent life filled with integrity and noble actions.
It can be hard for someone on the inside to see, but the social pressure to stay active (or at least quiet) is huge. I have suffered a fair amount of distancing and estrangement from my family. All I can do is act in a decent, strong way- have success in my endeavors and show them that I am still me- relatively happy and fairly stable.

I find it shameful that my forefathers were involved in the cover-up for the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

Where are the Hill Cumorah battle remains mentioned in the Book of Mormon? Didn't Moroni supposedly bury the plates on the hill? Didn't Joseph Smith supposedly find the same plates on the same hill? Where are all the archaeological remnants of the battle and the hundreds of thousands that supposedly perished there? It wasn't that long ago, surely there must be some kind of evidence that it happened.

Q: How many people were shot June 27, 1844 at Carthage Jail at the hand of Joseph Smith? A: Three

A few more things that I don't want to write about, but nevertheless bug me about the LDS church and the revised history thereof: Zelph, The Kinderhook Plates, Quakers on the Moon, 'We don't get involved in politics,' electro-shock therapy on homosexuals at BYU, claims of being the fastest growing religion, actual church membership numbers.

The LDS church has, for over 150 years, been involved in a campaign of bigotry, deception and misleading information regarding the history of the church and the personal lives of its leaders.

All members should know of all the historical events and issues before being compelled to participate or give any money to the organization.

For myself, I'm done with it. There's no chance of me coming back. They don't want me, and good thing: I can't even physically enter a church building without feeling sick.
Like I've said before though, if it works for you, feel free to do it. You don't have to agree with me or any of the things I have said. I'll stand behind everything I have posted as factual.

I just can't fathom the idea of following a group of 15 stodgy old men who claim to be the sole mouthpiece for God on the earth. They don't call themselves prophets, they let other people do that. They don't claim to speak with God or Jesus, they let others make that claim for them. They don't risk the company's money on things like their Proposition 8 campaign: they let the members do that for them. But at the same time, they are ordering millions of followers to perpetuate their racist, sexist, bigoted, obsolete dogma.

I really wish they'd stop and come clean.

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