Thursday, February 26, 2009

Roadie Food part 2

More catering glory from my roadie adventure.
I wasn't planning on doing this, but I've gotta memorialize the food thing before it slips my mind:

So dinner came around, and they have amazed me yet again: the theme is camp food:

What do we have here?
Tater salad. Yummy but risky.
Smores- dark chocolate. anyone have a campfire I can heat this thing on?
Rice Krispie treat full of trail mix
Cornbread muffin- splendid goodness.
Apple Crisp (spicy???- really spicy)

Things I passed over:
Breaded Catfish
Baked Beans
Cucumber and Onion salad
BBQ chicken
Cole Slaw
Corn on the Cob smothered in black pepper
Whipped butter

It's like a family reunion without the risk of bumblebees and rain.

And really strange to be doing it with co-workers.

Life on the Road with a Picky Eater. OR: The Hell I Live In

This gig I am working in Sin City has been providing meals for the crew, as we don't ever have time to leave.
I have noticed that there seems to be about 9 meals in the rotation at places like this. Breakfast is always the same.
We had 2 meals Sunday, 2 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 2 Wednesday. Now it is Thursday lunch and we've got a rerun.

Add to the non-suspense the fact that I can't eat some things, and won't eat other things.
Here's my lunch today.
Salad. Yum. With Blue Cheese. Nope, don't want to die. And big runny hunks of sliced tomato. Nasty!
A Roll. can't go wrong there. Dusted with onion flakes. I guess you can mess up a roll.
Mac and Cheese. Woo Hoo. spiced bread crumbs on top. I'll gamble on this one.
Chicken with garlic, herbs and bones. Sorry- no can do.
Broccoli stuff with Velveeta sauce. Ok, probably not too dangerous.
Meatloaf. I don't usually eat mystery meat, but... With onions. AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!

We're getting close to the end. I hope there's a good dessert I can eat.

Veggie lasagna, which is code for 'Mushy squash and onions baked under a layer of cheese.'

A basket of spiced breadsticks. Nothing too exciting.

OK, here's the dessert table.

Rice pudding with June Bugs (plump raisins)- no way.
Cheesecake. Woo Hoo again. With apricots and slime. WTF??? can a guy get a break here?

I sure do love Macaroni and Cheese.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Fruits of Apostasy

I'm going to rant about churchy things again for a minute.
There was a lesson given in a recent session of LDS church meetings that was entitled 'Beware The Bitter Fruits of Apostasy.' If you haven't had this lesson yet, you will. It has been mandated from HQ that every ward will deliver this message to all adult leaders. Here is a link to the lesson materials if you care to read it.

My response: First and foremost, I find the persecution complex that may LDS members exhibit to be distasteful and juvenile. The world isn't out to get you. Joseph was tarred and feathered for a pretty damn good reason. Look it up.

An excerpt from our lesson: When once that light which was in them is taken from them they become as much darkened as they were previously enlightened, and then, no marvel, if all their power should be enlisted against the truth, and they, Judas-like, seek the destruction of those who were their greatest benefactors.

Really? Bullcrap. That's simply not true. There's a place later in the lesson that says I'm a servant of Satan because of the choices I've made. Sorry, that's not true either.

It's even part of LDS doctrine that people should be allowed to worship as they choose. Where, you ask? countless places- but I'll start with the 11th Article of Faith: We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

Do you believe this stuff? then you have to believe it all. Remember the words of Hinckley and Fielding Smith: It's all or nothing. Black or White. IT IS EITHER ALL TRUE OR THE GREATEST FRAUD EVER PERPETUATED ON MANKIND. (I personally feel that's a little bit self-congratulatory, but whatever.)

A very very wise person said recently on an online discussion board regarding this issue:

We are told to follow the prophet, even if he is wrong, and we will not be held accountable for what he told us to do. I was also taught to follow my conscience.

If there is a God, will he hold you accountable for sincerely following your conscience? No. He will hold you accountable for NOT following your conscience!

How, then, can anyone be condemned for leaving the church, if that is what their conscience tells them to do?

Conscience trumps Prophet.

Truer words were never spoken.

So what are the actual fruits of apostasy? peace of mind, an ability to spend time with family- without the segregated meetings, no pressure to deliver results now with the promise of eternal rewards, the ability to behave like a responsible, mature adult and make choices based on ones own conscience rather than a long and ever-changing list of rules made up by a bunch of old geezers in a phallic office building.

PS- this lesson contains the usual ratio of Christ/God references to Joseph Smith/Prophet references- 28 Deity references to 39 JS references. (there are also 4 God references in the 'Prophet of God' context) It also contains almost 100% quotes from modern LDS church leaders, and nothing from scripture or from any of the standard works.

It seems to me that Christ would want a good Christian to reject hateful doctrine and name-calling lessons from false leaders. To treat their fellow humans with compassion and an understanding for their circumstances rather than contempt and divisiveness.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Honor to my favorite site on the internet

Yes, I'm talking about Cakewrecks.
I often spend hours reading the sweet chaos. Laughing until my tummy hurts.
A blog highlighting huge mistakes, errors and embarrassments made in the cake decorating world. I was hooked onto this site by stumbling onto this post. I was simultaneously amused and appalled.

I must post a link to the most awesomest of all posts HERE

There have been other fantastic disasters posted before, check out this or this or especially this

Not Fun Times in LA

I've been in LA for almost a week now, and I'd like to tell everyone how much I think it sucks.

That's all.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Lyrical Excitement

My comments in italics

Console me in my darkest hour
Convince me that the truth is always grey
Caress me in your velvet chair
Conceal me from the ghost you cast away

Why must you speak to me that way? And I can see it in your eyes even when you don't talk. What makes me so contemptible?

I'm in no hurry, you go run
And tell your friends I'm losing touch
Fill their heads with rumors of impending doom
It must be true

I'm a big boy, and can make my own life choices.

Console me in my darkest hour
And tell me that you always hear my cries
I wonder what you got conspired
I'm sure it was the consolation prize

I'm sorry you lose sleep over this, but do I look like someone who will settle for anything but exactly what I want? And another thing: who defines the prize anyway?

I'm in no hurry, you go run
And tell your friends I'm losing touch
Fill the night with stories, the legend grows

I'm flattered, but aren't there better things to worry about?

Of how you got lost
But you made your way back home
You sold your soul, like a Roman vagabond

Poetic, but a bit melodramatic.

I heard you found a wishing well
In the city
Console me in my darkest hour
And you throw me down

I'm in no hurry, you go run
And tell your friends I'm losing touch
Fill your crown with rumors
Impending doom, it must be true

Why must it be true? I'm listening.

But you made your way back home
You sold your soul, like a Roman vagabond

I'm not coming back. The chance of that happening is zero.

And all that now you got lost, but you made your way back home
You went and sold your soul, an allegiance dead and gone
I'm losing touch

Perhaps you are. But I've found my way, and it is good.

Thanks to Brandon Flowers and The Killers

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dark Clouds

There's a storm brewing out there. Hunker down.