Saturday, June 19, 2010


1. You started it all. I traveled roads unknown and discovered things about the world which previously I could not comprehend.
As things disintegrated, I found myself behaving very badly for a number of years. At one point, you just drove away and disappeared.
I can't help but think that things are better the way they turned out.

2. Toward the end of the bad years, you were there for me. But time was always short. I think we always knew that it was temporary.
You flew away and never came back.

3. Someone I've always wanted but can never have. Again, things are better this way.

4. You came along, we made a pact to fight the dragons together. Still at it. I'm no knight in shining armor, but doing what I can.

I could keep counting for days. Things in my mind are arranged into lists and categories and interconnected relationships. Everyone I've encountered has offered some kind of value and takeaway contribution to my life experience.

As I approach the crest of the hill, I can't help but look at everything in hindsight, as the clarity is so great that direction. "They say life makes sense backwards, only you've gotta live it forward."

Rolling on, pushing forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pete, you're a poet.