Friday, September 23, 2011

Gasping for Air

Time to write a little bit about why i haven't been writing much.
First and foremost, I'm unbelievably busy and it doesn't look to be ending anytime soon.  And even if that happens, I'm talking maybe a few days off in December. But those days are likely to be filled up with preparation for the next wave of chaos.

I've also been trying to spend my little bit of downtime nurturing friendships and making things work better with friends and family.  I've reached a point in life where the people around me are more important than my own needs.  I've been a very selfish and naughty boy in the past and it has burned me.
I can not apologize enough to the people who I have treated badly, who I have hurt, to those who I have neglected and to those who I owe a debt of some kind.

One of these days I'm going to find new balance and pleasure in life.  For now it's just trying to keep my head above water, or at least snagging enough air whenever my head pops up to get me through the rough times.

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