Sunday, March 8, 2009

Faux Pas

Alright, I'm certainly not a bastion of high fashion, but I think I dress fairly well, and I know when I see something that looks good on others. I also feel like I'm not incorrect when I determine something is foul on somebody else.

So I saw the most nasty, awful, disgusting, three-years-ago thing I've ever seen in my life.

Disclaimer: I was in Spanish fork due to the convenience of SF stores vs Springville stores during the big 400 South reconstruction project.

Now I love boots. I REALLY love some kinds of boots. Sexy boots are cool. Doc Martens are sweet. Combat boots are forever and always awesome. Even cowboy boots have their place and when worn properly, are very nice.
It seems that some people really look good in any kind of boots- my wife for example.
I'm quite excited that the current fashion trend for both men and women is big tall boots. I'm fashionable again!!
There is one brand of boots that I'm not particularly fond of. To avoid any kind of legal action, I'll call them Fuggs. They don't necessarily suck all the time, but rather in a general sort of way. These heinous creations have become such a fad that even Kmart, Payless and Walmart have their own crappy ripoffs (nickname FFuggs- Fake Fuggs.) Hint to the redneck fashionistas: if your product has cheap ripoffs in stock at the local megalomart, your trend might be a bit dated.
Anyway, I digress. This is what I saw at the store.

WHAT!!!?!?!?!? That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Wouldn't the woolly cuffs leave chafing and a rash?

GAH! nastiness and disgusting foul blahfilled poostyle.
Ok, I'm done purging now.


1 comment:

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

I'll be honest, the teeny, tiny shorts are more of a fashion barf for me, but the boots take a close second. When paired with the shorts the ensemble screams "I desperately need attention".

Boots such as those are appropriate when slogging through snow. That's about it. Shorts such as those belong in July (if ever).