Sunday, November 8, 2009

10 months

Just what are they so miffed about?
That 40 million Americans with zero health insurance will now have a doctor like a normal 1st world nation?
Are they pissed that their insurance companies can't deny them coverage for a pre-existing condition anymore?
Or are they just mad because their party lost the battle?
They can't be mad at the 900 billion dollar price tag over 10 years...considering these teabaggers didn't say a peep when Bush invaded the wrong damn country and cost us twice that amount, right?
Naw, I think their guy lost last November, and they're just a bunch of sore losers.
And it obviously chaps their hide to see the graceful winners get right to work and pass, in 10 months, against substantial resistance, a piece of legislation that most Americans find themselves favoring.
I have avoided gloating for exactly one year now. That time has ended. My guy won, and he was a good choice. The American way of life will be better for the strong, bold movements and actions taken by President Obama and the 111th Congress.

1 comment:

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

But those lazy, horrible, low income people and their offspring deserve to be left to get sick and die without any help from anyone!!!


Gloat away. I am.