Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So. There's a bumload of talk these days about 'Sexiest Vampires' and 'Best Vampires' of all time and other such nonsense.

I'm jumping on the vampire rating bandwagon and offering my own list. You'll find nobody named Edward, Buffy, Lestat or Angel here, I've stuck to the hardcore, not-quite-so-pretty vamps.
Well, there's some pretty boys, but not pretty like Angel.

Top 10 Vampires of all time:
#10: Max Shreck- Shadow of the Vampire. Willem Defoe. Awesome treatment of 'Nosferatu.'

#9: David- The Lost Boys. Before he became Jack Bauer, Keifer was a sweet vampyr.

#8: Count von Count- Sesame Street. Scary and educational at the same time. Beat that!

#7: Count Orlok- Nosferatu. Pretty much started the genre. And is still a good watch.

#6: Count Dracula- Nosferatu the Vampyre. A lesser known but finely done flick. Check it out.

#5: Count Dracula- Horror of Dracula. Saruman as Dracula. Woohoo!

#4: Count Dracula- Bram Stoker's Dracula. Gary Oldman kicking daywalker butt. Awesome.

#3: Count Dracula as portrayed by Bela Lugosi. Holy crap. I saw this one when I was a youngster, and it scarred (scared?) me for life.

#2: John- The Hunger. David Bowie. Bauhaus. Susan Sarandon. A life-changing movie.

And the #1 vampire of all time:


Count Chocula.

Don't argue. You know it's true.

1 comment:

Porter said...

I'd like to suck your... left over coco flavored milk?