Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dear Friends

Please don't be unhappy.
Know that there are people that care about you and wish for you to be well.
Silence does not mean that I am uncaring or oblivious. Rather it represents my intimidation and a crippling fear of crossing boundaries.
I have an unending amount of desire to be the support that you need, but life prevents that. I hope you understand.
I wish to be the resource for advice.
I need to be the one you trust.
When given the chance, I promise to be strong, to help, to give you everything I have.
You will make it.
We will make it.
In the end of it all, we will stand strong with pride and the knowledge that we fought like hell and made more of life than was expected.
You are so important to me. Please find the answers to your questions.

1 comment:

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

In the interest of getting all sappy on you...

Words can not express how much your friendship has meant to both Scott and I. Thank you.