Monday, January 11, 2010

What is wrong with people?

Why am I the only person that is right?
There are so many people in the world that are so obviously incorrect about nearly everything.
When I go out into public, all that I know for certain is that people around me are making mistakes left and right.
When I stay in, mistakes are made.
My opinion is the only one that matters, all others can be dismissed. Be gone.
There's no way that anybody can be nearly as right as me.
I read things. I watch things. I fabricate my opinions from a conglomeration of sources, none of which need to be fact-checked. I proclaim my opinion as fact and fall back on logical fallacies when I am challenged.
I am shallow, obvious, insincere, backstabbing, stunted, arrogant.

And I am the only person that is right.

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