Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today's one of the days that people feel compelled to express their thanks and their affection for their friends, family, pets, great jobs, blu-ray players, etc.
I'll join in the chorus of that dialogue

"We get to carry each other"

I feel personally responsible for the well-being of those around me. Not because I have to be, but because I choose it. I welcome the responsibility.
I've failed in this far too many times, most significantly this year. There have been times that I was so busy celebrating my own success that I couldn't see people around me struggling.
This will haunt me until the end of my life. I find it completely unacceptable to have people in a bad state while others are doing well. It is the responsibility of all people to help. To give whatever they can. To offer a hand to those around them that might be having a difficult time.
My resolve has been to step up my awareness of people, to stop worrying so much about my own problems (which honestly are quite insignificant) and fine the people around me that have needs that I may be able to help with.
There have been times that I've needed the same thing and I hope that if I ever get there again that my support network holds my hand through it as they have before.


My personal shortcomings are based around my unwillingness to be manipulated by my family. I've chosen a path through life that they don't agree with- and from time to time I feel like they make me a project. I don't like to feel like people are coming at me trying to 'fix' things.
Well here's part of the issue- I don't think I'm broken. Different? Yes. Dysfunctional? Not at all.
I think that my life is turning out pretty well and don't need someone telling me that I'm wrong. I don't need anybody critiquing me on my choices- believe me, if it needs critiquing, I am the harshest critic- I do nothing impulsively, I consider all possible actions and reactions for a long time before I .
So I appeal to my family- please understand that we are doing pretty well here. Nothing needs to be fixed. Thanks for your concern, but your efforts are going to do nothing but cause friction. Please back off and let us do what we are doing.

Happy Holidays Everyone.
If you need anything, please let me know.
Please don't be alone.
If we must be miserable from time to time, at least let us be that way together.

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