Tuesday, November 9, 2010

...is such a funny guy...

I discovered early in life, when on the losing end of a couple of lady-hunting expeditions, that women seem to really like a 'funny guy.'
There's some code in the female secret language that says 'you're funny- may I offer up my soul and my carnal delights to you?'
So I set out to become the funny guy.
The problem is this- I'm naturally the most serious guy in a room. Brooding, contemplative, intense, aloof even.
A quest of many years and tons of practice have given me the skills to be funny when necessary. But I'm still trying to be so serious on the inside- a difficult balance for sure.
Let me set one thing straight- I'm not trying to get women to open up their loins for me, this is merely a defense mechanism against the dirtbags that would use their humor, charm and wit to get a lady to behave in an unladylike fashion.

It sure does get tiring though- being both the most serious guy in the room and the most funniest.....

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